Melinda and Bryan met us at a Bridal Show, (it will probably be the last one we attend. I am letting those of you out there know so that you won't wait thinking you will see us at the Bridal Shows.) But a few weeks after the show Bryan and Melinda called wanting to set up a meeting. I immediately started to talk with Melinda on the couch in the Overland Park Marriott while Marco met Bryan simultaneously getting coffee at the nearest Starbucks. We connected like old friends and chatted about their wedding. We disclosed all our favorite vendors and it was funny to find that they had an appointment set up with one of them later that afternoon. Melinda and Bryan booked us on the spot and cancelled all other visits to other photographers that day. As we were leaving the Marriott Marco and I realized that we didn't know how they met or got engaged. So we took them out for dinner the next day and then went to photograph their engagement portraits. The photos started at the Terrace on Grand where Melinda and Bryan are getting married and went until the sun came down at the West Bottoms. After I shot these photos I couldn't wait to get them edited and out there for everyone to see, it has taken me awhile but I really think it is worth it.
Melinda, I hope that the photos are all that you expected and more. We love you guys and are soooo excited to photograph your Wedding. It will be truly a remarkable and amazing representation of Kansas City, with your location being located in the heart of Down Town. No matter where you turn there is beautiful city skyline and combined with your personalities you will have unique photos.
Hey, we need to get together and go out to Terrace on Grand in the Spring and do some night shots with all the lights. Let me know when there is a good time and I will get it scheduled. Have a blessed day.

Imagine It Kc Photography,